Author: Sofia
11 Problems To Solve In FemTech That Will Make You Rich
“It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.” – Albert Einstein The Invisible Problem To Solve Before we talk about femtech problems to solve, let’s talk about awkward conversations. In my experience, the most effective way to make the average man squirm is to tell him, “I’m on my…
8 Reasons You Will Regret Not Innovating For Menopause
“A woman’s health is her greatest asset; invest in it wisely.” -Unknown The Mystery of Menopause The first time I heard the word “menopause”, I was 14 years old. I remember thinking a lot of things about it. First of all, why was the word “men” in there? Second, how does it work? How do…
4 Secrets From Leonardo da Vinci On How To Become A Creative Genius
“Learning never exhausts the mind.” – Leonardo da Vinci One of the most well-known figures to represent Renaissance culture is the world’s favorite creative genius, Leonardo DaVinci. A painter, engineer, and scientist, he lived dozens of lifetimes in one. How did he do it? And why have so few managed to do it since? This…
Top 5 Emerging Fields for Interdisciplinary Teams
“Creativity is connecting things.” – Steve Jobs Why You Should Innovate At The Intersections Once upon a time, phones were ugly. They were clunky at first, then shrunk. In 1971, Intel invented microprocessors. The tech was revolutionary, but the aesthetics were abysmal. Enter Steve Jobs. After taking a calligraphy class, he fell in love with…
Unlocking 3 Easy Journaling Ideas To 10x Your Progress
“When performance is measured, performance improves. When performance is measured and reported back, the rate of improvement accelerates.” – Pearson’s Law Why Journaling Works Before we talk about journaling ideas, imagine wanting to lose weight without knowing how much you currently weigh. You brazenly announce with a bold New-Year-Resolution sense of conviction that this is…
3 Easy Ways To Unleash Creativity and Innovation To Finally Start Thinking Outside the Box
“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use the more you have.” -Maya Angelou Creativity and innovation isn’t just for artists. It’s also for scientists and engineers, bankers and tech bros. It’s for mothers with screaming toddlers, and broke college students far away from home. Creativity lives within everyone, and it is for everyone. …
How To Start A Conversation With Someone From Any Field
“Wisdom begins in wonder.” – Socrates Too often, we get caught up in echo chambers. Whether it’s only surrounding yourself with those from the same cultural or professional background, or only reading news from one side of the political spectrum, constantly feeding your mind with ideas and belief exactly like yours can stifle growth and…
AI in Healthcare: 8 Universal Lessons For Guaranteed Success
“AI is neither good nor evil. It’s a tool. It’s a technology for us to use.” — Oren Etzioni, AI researcher The AI revolution has crept into almost every industry, and healthcare is no different. In fact, the effects of using AI in the healthcare industry have had revolutionary impacts, leading to ground-breaking solutions that…
3 Powerful Techniques For Storytelling With Data
“If you torture the data long enough, it will confess.” — Ronald Coase, Economist Data. We know that in today’s world, it is practically another form of currency. However, despite the massive amount available, most of us still remain largely unable to interpret storytelling with data. Both fortunately and unfortunately, this skill has never been…
AI in Healthcare: The Ultimate Cheatcode For Interdisciplinary Innovation
“We’re not building technology to replace care; we’re building it to make care better.” – Greg Corrado The AI revolution has, by now, reached into every crevice of life, including (but not limited to) healthcare. From education, research, law, and various artistic mediums, it has become the trusty unpaid intern of the world. However, it…